Saturday, October 6, 2007

Jesus Loves Me

I woke up this morning and remembered that I was loved. I know that my blog has been heavy and dark that is what I have been feeling lately. I have never been able to just pick up and be something that I am not and honestly those kinds of people irritate me. Now I could post inaccurate fluffy things about life, or post colorful photos of the things I want people to believe about the hidden truth of who I really am. What would be the use of blogging? Life is heavy and full of pain but it is only through he pain we feel that we become strong, compassionate people. When everything is great and there is no necessity to have character. If we are not learning and growing then we might as well be dead.
But lately I have been blinded by the darkness that has been around me. I have slowly let it take over me. I have forgot the beauty that the Lord sets right in front of you. This is the beauty that holds caries and us through each day.

I have the best family and the cutest kids, I would give my left arm for any of them.

When I woke this morning and looked over to see the most loving and caring man I know, I remembered that Jesus loves me.
When I heard the sweetest little voice pop up from the edge of the bed, informing me that the sun was up I remembered that Jesus loves me.
When the best sister in the world showed up to take the kids for the evening I remembered that Jesus loves me.

Life is hard and it is easy to forget that even through the bad stuff Jesus still loves me.

1 comment:

My Crazy Beautiful Life said...

I love you, too and I missed you this morning at church. . . :) No guilt intended, I just honestly missed you.

About Me

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I am 31 & have been everything that a woman can be. I always try to put others first & keep my heart strong. I belive in a higher power & I belive that after we open our minds to that we begin to live.