Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Hadley's

My Friday's always include going to Burger King with the Hadley's. These kids are the best of friends. What is more precious then a childhood friend. So sweet, pure and free, nothing to discuss but everything to imagine.

Our girls..........they are worth the pain. These girls will be amazing women with the intelligence and power to get them through the toughest storms.
They are moving to Or in about a month or so. I will miss them so much. Sarah is my life line, she is always there for me and always loves me no matter what the day brings. She reminds me of what is important and what love is truly about. Life is not here to make us happy or to feel comfortable with but to endure. Love is not a feeling but an action, love is what you have when your are willing to take on someone else's weight that lies in their heart. Here or there I will always love this family. Thank you for being what you are and thank you for having the balls to open you heart. I love you Sarah


Lying, thinking Last night How to find my soul a home Where water is not thirsty And bread loaf is not stone I came up with one thing And I don't believe I'm wrong That nobody, But nobody Can make it out here alone.

Alone, all alone Nobody, but nobody Can make it out here alone.

There are some millionaires With money they can't use Their wives run round like banshees Their children sing the blues They've got expensive doctors To cure their hearts of stone. But nobody No, nobody Can make it out here alone.

Alone, all alone Nobody, but nobody Can make it out here alone.

Now if you listen closely I'll tell you what I know Storm clouds are gathering The wind is gonna blow The race of man is suffering And I can hear the moan, 'Cause nobody, But nobody Can make it out here alone.

Alone, all alone Nobody, but nobody Can make it out here alone.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Quinton needed glasses and it turns out he has a higher prescription then I do. I think that he looks very handsome in them! 

So Big!

They just keep on growing and growing.
They are so beautiful and strong. You would never guess that they were 10 weeks early. 

About Me

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I am 31 & have been everything that a woman can be. I always try to put others first & keep my heart strong. I belive in a higher power & I belive that after we open our minds to that we begin to live.