Monday, February 23, 2009


Look closely at the high tech engineering going on here. Quinton decided that he wanted chicken coop instead of a play house. So he put the house on skids and lifted it on to his wagon. He took pictures and put it on craigslist. We have not had any takers yet but he is also willing to barter for wood and chicken wire. The house is on the wagon and ready to be delivered anywhere around the neighborhood or to your truck and hauled off. What have we created?
Adam was in on this too, they are great buddies! 

Our First go at Ice Skating

Daddy had to take the lead, being an old pro at it. 

Quinton caught on right away and was off a skating like he had been tens times before.
Henry needed a little help with the walkers, they did not have them in my size.

LuLu had trusty old Dad at her side. 

It was a lot of fun and we were all very tiered with a few bruises, but what is family fun all about, right!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ronald Reagan

Quinton had his first research and presentation project at school. They have been learning about the presidents in school. Each student had to pick a president to research him then present it to the class. This is what he put together after working very hard! He is so smart and I am so proud of him.
He worked at finding all the dates and events in Presidents Reagan's life. He also drew a picture of the American flag and found lots of fun pictures to add. He really liked that Reagan was a cowboy and even acted cowboy roll in the movies.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So Sweet

Sometime they can be soooo Sweet, vegging in front of the TV before bed. I do not think that Lu even knew that I took a picture of her.

I know that Henry didn't!

About Me

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I am 31 & have been everything that a woman can be. I always try to put others first & keep my heart strong. I belive in a higher power & I belive that after we open our minds to that we begin to live.