Sunday, September 16, 2007

One day

It has been a while since my last post. I have had a lot going on and truthfully I have not even had time to check my e-mail. A few years ago I started canning. Now I do most of my winter food supply by canning it myself. My Mom as thought me everything there is to know about canning and now I cannot get enough of it. We have done Tomatoes yellow and red, peaches, pears, beans, jams and corn. Needless to say I have spent a lot of my time in the kitchen.
On top of, volunteering in Quinn's class once a week. Attending back to school night last week. Taking the kids to gymnastics one day a week and church one extra night a week. Jason's Dad was here last week so we had four days entertaining him. We have all had a bad case of the flu bug and our cat has run away 7 times since last Tuesday. My brother has been evicted from his house again and his daughter who is only 15 in now pregnant. My daughter had court last week and will be attending drug and alcohol classes once a week for twelve weeks. I have been court ordered to attend these classes with her and my ex-husband. Jason's mom is still having chemo and we see her one night a week. Our rental house in Emmett is for sale and the renter in the back house has not paid the water bill in two months. Lauren had a birthday and we spent a day filling her cup. Our water heater broke and flooded the garage and Jason is going out of town this weekend. We have sold one of our extra cars and the man will be here from Pittsburg to pick it up on Saturday. I have a cold my face has broken out, I need to change the oil in the car and the sheets on my bed have not seen the washing machine for several weeks. One of my good friends had twins and I have had her gift sitting in the front seat of my car for two weeks. As soon as I can get to the post office I will send them off. I also have stack of books that need to go back to the library and the deposit has to be made, my grocery list is now two pages long and Henry peed the bed last night. I need to take the dog in to have her ears cleaned and I have my yearly exam on Tuesday. The mirror in the bathroom was knocked over and broken last week and the lawn out in Emmett needs to be mowed. Jason is doing construction on the job he has been working on the last six months so he has to work most weekends and late every night. Oh shit, I just burnt dinner!
And to think I would give all of this up for one day of quiet. This is my life, how are you?


Lori said...

Wow, you sure sound overworked and underpaid.LOL. Maybe your next blog should focus on the positive things in your life like your beautiful, fun, intelligent, hilarious and did I mention, beautiful sister.

Amy said...

More like your beautiful sister in law!

About Me

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I am 31 & have been everything that a woman can be. I always try to put others first & keep my heart strong. I belive in a higher power & I belive that after we open our minds to that we begin to live.